a. First edition:
[whole enclosed within oval of medallions of the twelve Caesars:] THE | TWELVE | CAESARS | [short rule] | Gaius Suetonius | Tranquillus | [short rule] | TRANSLATED BY | ROBERT GRAVES | [short rule] | Penguin Books
Collation: [A]l6 B–K16, 160 leaves.
p.[1] THE PENGUIN CLASSICS | EDITED BY E. V. RIEU | L72 | [publisher’s emblem]; p.[2] blank; p.[3] title-page; p.[4] publisher’s, publication and printer’s notices; p.[5] CONTENTS; p.[6] description of cover design; pp.[7] –8 FOREWORD; pp. [9]10–309 text, with pp.[50, 148, 180, 208, 242, 262, 294] being blank and pp.[51, 109, 149, 181, 209, 243, 255, 263, 273, 287, 295] being unnumbered; pp.[310]–[311] genealogical tables; p. [312] blank; pp.[313]314–315 descriptions of the medallions on the title page; p.[316] blank; p.[317] publisher’s advertisement; p.[318] blank; pp.[319] –[320] publisher’s advertisements.
18.1 × 11.1 cm. Bulk: 1.5 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Bound in paper covers; front cover: [solid rectagular purple border, inside which:] |[rectangular decorative rule border, inside which:] | SUETONIUS | THE | TWELVE | CAESARS | [roundel] | TRANSLATED BY | ROBERT GRAVES | [swelled purple rule] | THE PENGUIN | CLASSICS| [at right:] 3/6; back cover: solid and decorative borders as front, inside which are publisher’s advertisements; spine: [purple band] | [decorative band] | [down spine:] SUETONIUS | [publisher’s emblem] | [down spine:] THE TWELVE CAESARS | L72 | [decorative band][purple band]; inner sides of covers blank.
Price: 3s.6d. Number of copies: 40,000. Published 28 March 1957.
Notes: Impressions, 2nd, 1958; 3rd, 1960; 4th, 1962; 5th, 1965; 6th, 1967; 7th, 1969; 8th, 1970; 9th, 1972; 10th, 1973; 11th, 1975; 12th, 1976; 13th, 1977; 14th, 1978; 15th, 1978. Covers vary.
This book has been translated into Korean.
A80b. First American issue ([1957]):
Title-page as A80a.
Collation:[1]–[10]16, 160 leaves.
Remainder as A80a, except p.[4] publication, publisher’s, copyright and printing notices.
20.2 × 13.4 cm. Bulk: 1.9/2.5 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed; top edges stained blue. Bound in red cloth-simulated boards; back blank; front stamped in gold with facsimile signature of Graves; spine stamped in gold, top to bottom:SUETONIUS ∙ THE TWELVE CAESARS
Price: $4.50. Number of copies: 3,000. Published 19 July 1957 in white dust-jacket printed in black and mustard-gold.
Notes: There is an American paper-bound issue, identical with A80a, except on better paper; 20,000 copies were printed in the United States and were sold at $0.95 each.
Impressions: 2nd, 1958; 3rd, 1960; 4th, 1962; 5th, 1965. Covers vary.
A80c. Second English edition ([1962]):
Collation: [1]–[18]8 [19]6, 150 leaves.
p.[i] THE TWELVE CAESARS; p.[ii] blank; p.[iii] title-page; p. [iv] publisher’s, copyright, edition and printing notices; p.[v] CONTENTS; p.[vi] blank; pp.vii–viii FOREWORD; pp.1–285 text, with pp.[94, 160, 218, 230, 238, 262, 270] being blank and p. [269] being unnumbered; pp.286–287 genealogical tables; p.[288] blank; pp.289–291 THE COIN PORTRAITS OF THE TWELVE CAESARS; p. [292] blank.
20.4 × 14.4 cm. Bulk: 1.8/2.2 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. White wove endpapers. Bound in light blue cloth; front and back blank; spine stamped in gold: [flower] | [rule] | The | Twelve | Caesars | [rule] | [flower] | SUETONIUS | Translated by | Robert | Graves | [flower] | [rule] | Cassell | [rule] [flower]
Price: 15s. Number of copies: 3,104. Published 22 February 1962 in white dust-jacket printed in pink, blue, purple and black.
A80d. Third English edition (1964):
Collation: [A]8 B–N8 [O]8 P–Q4 [R]8S–U8, 160 leaves.
p.[1] THE TWELVE CAESARS; p.[2] blank; p.[3] title-page; p. [4] copyright, printing, printer’s, binder’s and typographical notices; p.[5] CONTENTS; p.[6] blank; pp.[7]–8 INTRODUCTION; pp·[9]–[11]12–318 text, with pp.[9, 51, 109, 149, 181, 209, 243, 257, 267, 279, 295, 303] being section headings, pp.110, 52, 110, 150, 182, 210, 244, 258, 268, 280, 296, 304] being woodcuts, pp.[53, 111, 151, 183, 211, 245, 259, 269, 281, 297, 305] being unnumbered and pp.[148, 256, 267, 294] being blank; pp.[319]–[320] blank.
24.6 × 15.6 cm. Bulk: 2.3/3.0 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed; top edges stained blue. Endpapers printed with map of Roman Empire in deep blue with white lines and lettering; inner sides of free endpapers blank. Bound in brown-rust canvas cloth; front and back stamped in gold at fore-edge with twelve medallions, six front and six back; spine stamped in gold: Suetonius | [solid rectangular blue box with triangles above and below, all bordered with gold, printed from bottom to top:] THE TWELVE CAESARS | Folio
Price: 29s.6d. Number of copies undisclosed. Published in March 1964 in grey-blue box without dust-jacket. Also seen in a red box.
Notes: Impressions: 2nd, 1965, 3rd, 1966. Reissued in 1990. Inpressions of the 1990 reissue: 2nd, 1991; 3rd, 1992; 4th, 1994; 5th, 1995; 6th, 1997; 7th, 1998; 8th, 1999; 9th, 2000; 10th, 2001; 11th, 2002; 12th, 2003; 13th, 2005; 14th, 2006; 15th, 2007; 16th, 2008; 17th, 2009, 18th, 2018.
This book has been translated into Korean.
The book was reissued in 1990 in a similar binding, with the addition of blue bands at the fore-edges of front and back covers
References: Nash 192, p. 120 and Folio 21 192, p. 161.
A80e. Fourth English edition ([1979]):
[whole enclosed within oval medallions of the twelve Caesars:] THE | TWELVE CAESARS | [short rule] | Gaius Suetonius | Tranquillus | [short rule] | TRANSLATED BY | ROBERT GRAVES | Revised with an Introduction by | MICHAEL GRANT | [short rule] | Penguin Books
Collation: [1]12 2-612 7-1010 1112 1212 13-1512 1612 , 184 leaves.
p.[1] THE PENGUIN CLASSICS | FOUNDER EDITOR (1944–64): E. V. RIEU | Editor: Betty Radice | [blurb]; p.[2] blank; p.[3] title-page; p.[4] publisher’s, edition, copyright, printer’s, and rights restrictions notices; p.[5] CONTENTS; p.[6] blank; pp.[7]8–11 FOREWORD; p.[12] blank; pp.[13]14–314 text, with pp.[54, 113, 153, 185, 213, 247, 259, 267, 278, 292, 299] unnumbered; [315]–[317] GENEALOGICAL TABLES; p.[318] blank; pp. [319]320–321 THE COIN PORTRAITS OF THE | TWELVE CAESARS; p.[322] blank; pp.[323]324–328 KEY TO TERMS; p.[329] DATES OF THE TWELVE CAESARS; p.[330] blank; p.[331] SOME BOOKS ABOUT SUETONIUS; p.[332] blank; pp.[333]334–339 KEY TO PLACE NAMES; p.[340] blank; pp.[341]–[351] MAPS; p.[352] blank; pp. [353]354–363 INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES | AND PEOPLES; p.[364] blank; pp.[365] –[368] publisher’s advertisements, with p.[366] being blank.
17.7 × 10.8 cm. Bulk: 1.8 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Bound in paper covers; front: [green printed in black:] Penguin [publisher’s emblem] Classics | SUETONIUS | [bled rule] | THE TWELVE CAESARS | [in gold, photograph of the reverse of an aureus of the reign of Octavian]; back cover: [black printed in white:] Penguin [publisher’s emblem] Classics | SUETONIUS | [bled rule] THE TWELVE CAESARS | TRANSLATED BY ROBERT GRAVES | [publisher’s advertisement] | [4 ll. lower left corner:] United Kingdom £1.50 | Australia $4.95 (recommended) | Canada $2.95 | U. S. A. $2.95 | [5 lines lower right corner:] HISTORY | & ARCHAEOLOGY/ | LITERATURE | ISBN 014 | 044. 072 0; spine: [black printed in white:] [upright:] [publisher’s emblem] | [down spine:] SUETONIUS THE TWELVE CAESARS | [down spine, in two lines:] ISBN 0 14 | 044.072 0; inner sides of both covers blank.
Price: £1.50. Number of copies: 35,000. Published in 1979.
Notes: Impressions: 2nd, 1980; 3rd, 1981; 4th, 1982; 5th, 1983; 6th, 1984; 7th, 1985; 8th, 1986; 9th, 1987. Covers vary. Revised 1989 with new bibliography by Michael Grant (p.[31]) and begins new numbering sequence. Impressions: 1st, 1989, followed by a further 32 impressions (at least). Covers and size of format vary.
Guild Publishing issued impressions in 1990, 1991 and 1992 in hardcover, without dust-jackets.
Reissued in 2003 in the Penguin Classics series. Front cover has an image of a bust of Julius Caesar. Published at £8.99.
A80f. Fifth English edition ([1979]):
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus | [rule] | THE TWELVE CAESARS | TRANSLATED BY ROBERT GRAVES | REVISED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MICHAEL GRANT | [photograph of the Altar of Peace, running entirely across page and across facing page (p.[2])] | ALLEN LANE
Collation: [1]–[18]8, 144 leaves.
p.[1] publisher’s emblem; p.[2] photograph of Altar of Peace running entirely across this page and facing page; p.[3] title-page; p.[4] publisher’s, copyright, ISBN and printer’s notices; p.[5] CONTENTS; p.[6] map of Rome; pp.[7]8–9 INTRODUCTION; p.[10] illustration (Julius Caesar); pp.[11]12–272 text, with pp.[18, 24, 28, 46, 47, 66, 68, 88, 99, 100, 101, 114, 116, 117, 129, 134, 135, 160, 161, 185, 210, 211, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 230, 231, 232, 235, 240, 241, 245, 252, 253, 255, 258, 260, 261, 270, 271] being unnumbered and with four leaves of colour illustrations bound between pp.56–57, 104–105, 152–153, 216–217; p.[273] photograph of Timgad continued from previous page; p.[274] blank; p.[275] GENEALOGICAL TABLES; p.[276] blank; p.[277] DATES OF THE TWELVE CAESARS; p.[278] blank; pp. [279]280–281 KEY TO TERMS; p.[282] blank; p.[283] LIST OF BOOKS ABOUT SUETONIUS; p.[284]285–287 INDEX; p.[288] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
24.4 × 18.9 cm. Bulk: 2.2/3.0 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Buff laid endpapers; watermarked: [crown] | Abbey Mills | Greenfield; map of the Roman Empire at the death of Augustus printed in black on the outward facing endpapers. Bound in dark blue cloth; front and back blank. Spine stamped in gold: [vertical row of 6 circles] | SUETONIUS | THE | TWELVE | CAESARS | TRANSLATED | BY ROBERT | GRAVES | [vertical row of 6 circles] | [publisher’s emblem].
Price: £9.95. Number of copies: 11,500. Published 25 October 1979.
Notes: The text of this edition is that of A80e.
In 1979 Book Club Associates issued an impression, bound as the Allen Lane edition except the spine has the BCA emblem at foot. A Penguin paperback issue of the sheets of A80f was published in October 1979 (but possibly 1980), containing a blurb on p. [1], lacking the endpaper maps. The cover is black printed in white and green, with a photograph of a statue of Augustus superimposed on a photograph of the Roman Theatre at Merida, Spain on the front. This issue was published at £4.95 (copies: 10,000), with subsequent impressions: 2nd, 1982 (copies: 5,000); 3rd, 1984 (copies: 10,000); 4th, 1986 (copies: 6,000). Penguin Books, New York, issued an impression in paper covers in 1980 priced $16.95. Reissued by Penguin Books in 2000 in redesigned paper covers by Sir Lawrence Alma Tedema at £7.99. Reissued in 2001 in the same covers by Welcome Rain Publishers, New York at $22.95.
A80g. Sixth English edition ([2007]):
GAIUS SUETONIUS | TRANQUILLUS | The Twelve Caesars | Translated by Robert Graves | Revised with an Introduction and Notes by J. B. Rives | PENGUIN BOOKS
Collation: 232 leaves glued at the spine.
pp. [i]-[ii] biographical sketches of Suetonius, Graves and Rives; p. [iii] title-page; p. [iv] publisher’s, edition, copyright, printer’s, ISBN, and paper sourcing notices; pp. [v]-vi Contents; p. [vii] Abbreviations; pp. [viii]ix-xv Chronology; p. [xvi] blank; pp. [xvii]xviii-xli Introduction; pp. [xlii]xliii-lii Analyses of the ‘Lives’; pp. [liii]liv-lvii Further Reading; p. [lviii] Note on the Text; pp. [1]2-310 text, with pp. 43, 104, 145, 178, 207, 242, 255, 263, 274, 288, 295] being unnumbered; pp. [311]312-318 Glossary of Terms; pp. [319]320-323 Glossary of Place Names in Rome; p. [324] blank; pp. [325]326-329 Key to Maps; pp. [330]-[342] maps; pp. [343]-[346] genealogical tables; pp. [347]348-381 Notes; pp. [382]383-398 Index of Historical Persons; p. [399] blank; pp. [400]-[406] publisher’s advertisements.
19.7 × 12.9 cm. Bulk: 2.3 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Bound in white paper covers printed in orange, black and grey with marble bust of Julius Caesar reproduced in colour on front cover.
Price: £9.99. Number of copies: undetermined. Published 25 October 2007.
Note: Graves’s text has been revised by J. B. Rives. Issued in the publisher’s Penguin Classics series. Reissued in 2016 as No. 26 in the publisher’s Pocket Penguins series.