a. First edition:
THE SIEGE | AND FALL | OF TROY | by | ROBERT GRAVES | Illustrated by | WALTER HODGES | [publisher’s emblem] | CASSELL ∙ LONDON
Collation: [A]8 B–I8, 72 leaves.
p.[i] The Siege and Fall of Troy; p.[ii] list of children’s books by Graves; p.[iii] blank; p.[iv] illustration; p.[v] title-page; p.[vi] publisher’s, copyright, edition and printer’s notices; p.vii CONTENTS; p.[viii] blank; pp.ix–x INTRODUCTION; p.[xi] blank; pp.[xii] – [xiii] map; p.[xiv] illustration; pp.1–119 text, with pp.[4, 12, 22, 32, 42, 50, 60, 68, 80, 92, 100, 108] being illustrations and pp.[11, 21,41, 59, 99] being blank; p.[120] blank; p.[121] index; p.[122] blank; pp.123–128 index; pp.[129]–[130] blank.
21.6×14.0 cm. Bulk: 1.4/2.0 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. White wove endpapers. Bound in brown cloth-simulated boards; front and back blank; spine stamped in gold: ROBERT | GRAVES | [up spine:] The Siege and Fall of Troy | CASSELL
Price: 15s. Number of copies: 7,553. Published 8 November 1962 in white dust-jacket with multicolour Trojan horse scene and author and title in yellow. Illustrations and jacket design by C. Walter Hodges.
Note: Impression: 2nd, November 1964 (3,000 copies); 3rd, November 1968. This book has been translated into Dutch, Serbo-Croatian and Spanish.
A102b. First American edition ([1963]):
Collation: 64 leaves, glued to tape at spine.
p.[1] THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY; p.[2] frontispiece; p.[3] title-page; p.[4] LC card, copyright, printing and edition notices, with publisher’s emblem to left of all; p.[5] list of books for children by Graves; p.[6] blank; p.[7] CONTENTS; p.[8] blank; pp.9–10 INTRODUCTION; p.[11] THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY; pp.[12]–[13] map; p.[14] blank; pp.15–120 text, with pp.[17, 22, 31, 35, 47, 53, 62, 71, 83, 91, 99,106, 117] being illustrations, and pp.[42, 58, 74, 96, 110] being blank; p.[121] INDEX; p.[122] blank; pp. 123–128 index. Illustrations, frontispiece and map are printed in red.
23.3 × 15.0 cm. Bulk: 0.9/1.4 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Cream wove endpapers. Bound in rust-brown cloth; front and back blank; spine stamped in gold, top to bottom: [near front:] Robert | [near back, parallel to preceding line:] Graves | [in pseudo-Celtic type:] THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY | [remainder upright:] [publisher’s emblem] | Doubleday
Price: $3.50. Number of copies: 20,000 (including 5,000 institutional). Published 4 October 1963 in white dust-jacket printed in yellow, orange, grey, brown and black.
Notes: The first impression is seen in two variations of the dust-jacket. The front flap of the earlier version: [at top, flush right:] T.S.A.F.O.T | UP TO 16 | PRICE, $3.50; back flap: publisher’s advertisement for GREEK GODS AND HEROES; spine panel: [at foot:] [publisher’s anchor and dolphin emblem] | Doubleday
The later version dust-jacket: front flap: [at top, flush right:] T.S.A.F.O.T | $3.50; back flap: press reviews of THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY; spine panel: [at foot:] Doubleday
The intuitional binding referenced above is a reinforced binding of tan cloth; front pictorially printed in yellow, orange and black; drawings depict a horse, a woman with outstretched arms and warriors fighting; text in orange: THE SIEGE | AND FALL | OF | TROY; back printed in black: [three lines within black rule square:] Doubleday | Prebound | Edition; spine: [down spine:] [in orange:] Robert Graves THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY [in black:] Doubleday
Impressions: There were at least five impressions of this book.
A102c. Second American edition ([1965]):
the SIEGE and | FALL OF TROY | [concave rule] | ROBERT GRAVES | [at right:] [series emblem]
Collation: 64 leaves, glued at spine.
p.[1] publisher’s advertisements and blurb; p.[2] list of books in this series; p.[3] title-page; p.[4] publisher’s, copyright, series, rights reservation, arrangement, edition and printing notices; p.[5] CONTENTS; p.[6] blank; pp.[7]8–9 Introduction; p.[10] blank; p.[11] THE SIEGE AND | FALL OF TROY; p.[12] blank; pp.[13]14–112 text, with pp.[16, 22, 30, 39, 47, 54, 61, 68, 78, 89, 95, 102] unnumbered; pp.[113]114–124 Index; pp.[125] –[128] publisher’s advertisements.
16.1 × 10.5 cm. Bulk: 0.6 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed; all edges stained blue. Bound in white paper covers printed in blue, yellow, red, brown, tan and black. The cover illustration is by Vin Guliani.
Price: $0.45. Number of copies: 75,000. Published 11 November 1965.
Note: This book is Dell Laurel-Leaf Library 7885.
Impressions: 2nd, September 1968, 3rd, September 1969; 4th, August 1970; 5th, August 1971; 6th, July 1973; 7th, October 1975. Covers vary.
A102d. Second English edition ([2005]).
The Siege | and Fall of Troy | by | ROBERT GRAVES | Introduced by | Lawrence Norfolk | Illustrated by | Grahame Baker | LONDON | The Folio Society | 2005
Collation: 64 leaves.
p. [i] The Siege | and Fall of Troy; p. [ii] blank, [frontispiece in colour, back blank]; p. [iii] title-page; p. [iv] publisher’s, copyright, credit for map and printer’s notices; p. [v] Contents; p. [vi] blank; p. [vii] Illustrations; p. [viii] blank; pp. ix–xvii Introduction; p. [xviii] blank; pp. xix–xx Author’s Introduction; pp. 1–103 text, with illustrations facing pp. 4, 12, 29, 44, 61, 76, 93; p. [104] blank; pp. 105–108 Index.
22.9 × 16.5 cm. Bulk: 1.5/2.1 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Pale grey-green wove endpapers; backs blank; inner sides contain maps in green. Bound in green cloth; back blank; front has affixed an illustration in multiple colours depicting Classical Era themes; spine: [from top to bottom in gold:] [in two lines:] ROBERT | GRAVES | [in one line:] THE SIEGE AND FALL OF TROY | [remainder, in two lines:] FOLIO | SOCIETY
Price: £18.95. Number of copies: Not disclosed. Published September 2005 in a plain green paper-covered cardboard slipcase.
Impressions: 2nd 2006, 3rd 2008.
Note: The map is drawn by Neil Gower.