First edition:
[two words in grey:] Robert Graves Nine Hundred Iron Chariots | The Twelfth Arthur Dehon Little Memorial Lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Delivered in Kresge Auditorium, Cambridge Massachusetts, on Wednesday, May 14, 1963 | [rule]
Collation: 12 leaves, stapled twice in centre.
p.[1] title-page; p.[2] copyright notice; pp.[3]–[21] text; p.[22] photograph of Graves and biographical note; p.[23] history of the lectures and list of lecturers; p.[24] blank.
22.9 × 15.3 cm. Bulk: 0.25 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Stiff white paper wrapper printed black; back only; front as title-page in white, with author’s name in red and in the centre an eclipse with white corona with sun being Zeus in green; inner sides of both covers blank.
Price: Not for sale; distribution gratis. Number of copies: 4,500; 3,000 issued 7 October 1963; 1,500 issued 30 October 1963 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
Note: The design is by W. John Lees.