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SECTION A: Books written, co-written or translated by Robert Graves


First edition:

ROBERT GRAVES | EL FENOMENO | DEL TURISMO | ATENEO | MADRID | 1964 | XXV Aniversario | de la Paz Española

Collation: [1]8 [2]4 [3]8, 20 leaves.

2 pp. blank; p.[i] EL FENOMENO DEL TURISMO; p.[ii] legal deposit and printer’s notices; p.[iii] title-page; p.[iv] [entire flush right:] Conferencia pronunciada en el Ate- | neo de Madrid el 3 de marzo de 1964; pp. 1–31 text; p.[32] blank; p.[33] ACABÓSE DE IMPRIMIR EN MADRID, | EN LOS TALLERES GRÁFICOS DE | BOLAÑOS Y AGUILAR, S. L., EL | DÍA 18 DE JUNIO DE 1964; p.[34] blank.

19.3 × 11.5 cm. Bulk: 0.3 cm. White wove paper; all edges trimmed. Bound in white paper covers printed in medium cobalt blue and black.

Price: 20 ptas. Number of copies undetermined. Published on, or soon after 18 June 1964.

Notes: This book is no. 21 of the Coleccion Ateneo.

‘Postscript, 1965’ in Majorca Observed [A112a] is largely a translation of this speech.

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